Today I'm going to be talking to you about the Episode with Robin Waite. Now I thought that actually a KEY AREA to focus on from the conversation with Robin is probably two areas.  



And like Robin said, fearless isn't that you're doing things blindly and not assessing the risk.

Fearless is assessing the risk and knowing what's going on, and having the courage to make and challenging decisions.  

So, what are you doing to be fearless in your life and in your business?

I tried to reflect and look at myself and go,  

What am I doing?
What have I done to be fearless?  

So, Robin first introduced me to this many years ago, back in 2015 or 2016, and the first thing that Robin got me to do by being fearless was to


It was SCARY and it probably took me a number of months in order to actually do it.


But it became very clear that actually yes, we should be doubling our prices because we have more value than that, that we're currently delivering and it helped, it (business) improved.

We made some additional profits and we certainly started on a pathway towards what we're doing.  

2. The second was that thing about A HUNDRED PERCENT MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.  

Whilst we don't currently offer one.

What became very clear was if we were to offer one, could we do so?

And I think in the early stages of that, NO we couldn't because we had

too many failings,

too many challenges,

too many difficulties.

And though we wouldn't had done it but conditionally we can.


Whereas actually more so now, YES, we can do.

You join us in order to have BETTER FINANCIAL CONTROL. Which we can measure that at the start, and we can measure it as we go. So, there's improvement to have more financial freedom.


We have a clear pathway and people are making clear inroads towards that.

So actually, now we do have a method where we could offer a hundred percent money back guarantee if we wanted to or felt we needed to.  

So, what are you doing in your life or in your business so that you are being fearless?


Because actually in each of those areas that I've mentioned, we could have done nothing. We could have just gone,  

No, we're good, we're great, everything's fine.  

But it was,  

How do we be better?  




There are three outcomes of what we deliver, but they aren't the three outcomes of what all accountants deliver.

And I mentioned the book The Infinite Game from Simon Sinek, and he talks about basically when everyone else is playing left and right,

How do you play up and down?

..and that was our element to go,

Actually, most accountants, what they're doing is they're delivering an element of where they help you file tax returns and VAT returns and pension contribution filings and payroll filings, and then along the way, a cashflow forecast.

Whereas our view's actually,  

What if we did it the other way?


What if we help business owners do all these things that they would love to be able to do, but along the way, we also help make sure that they file the things on time and did everything we need to do?

Nobody wants the outcome of just filing a vat return or if they do, it's very low value.


Yeah. Because all you're doing is stopping a penalty.

So, stop a business owner having a penalty for a late tax return filing. It's worth a hundred-pound filing penalty, therefore it's only worth maybe a hundred pounds or just a bit over, till you get it sorted.


But actually, if we're on about a pathway towards giving you financial freedom, what does financial freedom look like?  

Maybe your company's making 30,000 pounds profit per year, and if you make hundred thousand pounds profit per year that from only working the same hours, 35-40 hours, but actually you are in a position that you are financially free.


But what's that worth?

10% of that? It's a 70,000-pound shift, and yet it's worth 7,000 pounds.

Okay, but that's a lot more than the hundred pounds that the value was on the filing tax return.

Actually, if that's the level of outcome that we're now achieving, then we're substantially moving ourselves in the right direction.


So, it became clear that that's really where we should be focusing on and what we should be doing.

We started very much more to deliver those outcomes.  

How are you delivering outcomes?  

How are you making sure that you remind yourself that that's what you're doing?

Are you clear on what those outcomes are?

Are they focused towards your clients and the outcomes that they're really trying to achieve?


Let me know.

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